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Canareef Resort Maldives marks environment week with series of impactful activities



From June 1st to June 8th, 2024, Canareef Resort Maldives has hosted a series of environmental, sustainable, and educational activities in celebration of World Reef Day, World Environment Day, World Ocean Day, and Global Wellness Day. This week-long event, aptly named Environment Week, showcased the resort’s unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and ocean conservation. Through engaging and meaningful activities, Canareef involved both guests and staff in initiatives designed to preserve the pristine environment of the Maldives, establishing a tradition that underscores the resort’s dedication to environmental sustainability.

World Reef Day – June 1: Coral Transplanting

Kicking off Environment Week on June 1st, Canareef Resort commemorated World Reef Day with a coral transplanting event at Bar-Kuda Beach. This initiative aimed to preserve and restore the precious coral reefs, which are critical ecosystems under threat from climate change and human activities.

The featured coral, an Acropora Latistella (branching coral), was transplanted into the lagoon between Canareef Island and a nearby uninhabited island at a depth of approximately 3.5 meters. This location was chosen for its controlled environment and favorable water flow, which provide ideal conditions for coral growth and easy access for caregivers.

World Environment Day – June 5: A 100 for the Environment! Tree Planting

On June 5th, in celebration of World Environment Day, Canareef’s team and guests came together to plant trees around the resort, reinforcing their commitment to a sustainable future. Each sapling planted is a testament to their dedication to protecting the planet.

Guests had the opportunity to contribute to reforestation efforts by planting 100 fruit and vegetable trees throughout Canareef. These included mango, coconut, and drumstick trees, among others. By planting these trees, the resort is not only helping to mitigate climate change but also creating habitats for local wildlife and enhancing sustainability.

World Ocean Day – June 7: Awareness Program and Nurdle Hunt

In honor of World Ocean Day on June 7th, Canareef Resort, in collaboration with Maldivian environmental expert Shaziya Saeed, hosted a special awareness program. This session educated guests, team members, and local students from Seenu Atoll School on the crucial role of ocean conservation.

Saeed’s engaging presentation covered topics such as the phenomenon of milky seas, coral growth, the ocean’s contribution to oxygen production, and ways to protect our seas. Following the program, participants applied their newfound knowledge during a fun and impactful nurdle hunt at Meera Beach, cleaning the shoreline of these harmful plastic pellets.

Global Wellness Day – June 8: Wellness Activities

To celebrate Global Wellness Day on June 8th, Canareef Resort organized a series of activities promoting physical and mental well-being. The day began with a rejuvenating yoga and meditation session at Dhoni Bar for guests and staff, focusing on breathwork and mindfulness to foster a sense of centeredness and renewal.

In partnership with Maldivian Aero, the resort also hosted a 2K run and walk, starting at Meera Bar and ending at Bar-Kuda Beach. This event encouraged participants to stay active and create lasting memories under the beautiful Maldivian night sky.

Canareef Resort Maldives is dedicated to operating sustainably and responsibly, while offering authentic guest experiences. The resort prioritizes eco-friendly practices through initiatives such as reducing energy and water usage, managing waste to minimize plastic use, supporting community development, and investing in renewable energy. Additionally, the resort focuses on conservation efforts and preserving local heritage and cultural practices.

By adhering to these environmental practices, Canareef aims to minimize its impact and carbon footprint, while contributing to the socio-economic well-being of the communities it serves. The successful execution of Environment Week highlights Canareef’s ongoing dedication to preserving the environment and its role as a steward of the Maldives’ natural beauty.


Turkish celebrity Sevgi Eren enjoys unforgettable stay at Sheraton Maldives   



Sheraton Maldives Full Moon & Spa, recently had the honour of hosting Turkish celebrity and influencer Sevgi Eren, who enjoyed an extraordinary and culturally enriching stay at the resort.

Sevgi Eren is a prominent name in the Turkish jewellery industry, known for her extensive knowledge and expertise. Her vast knowledge about the diamond industry, bolstered by her training from HRD Antwerp TR, has made her an influential lifestyle and jewellery blogger. She has also been awarded the Best International Businesswoman of the Year at the Turkey Azerbaijan Fellowship Awards.

During her stay at Sheraton Maldives, Sevgi Eren immersed herself in the resort’s offerings and natural beauty. She stayed in a spacious overwater villa with a pool, enjoying breathtaking views of the turquoise waters and pristine beaches. Her stay was complemented by personalised services that ensured her utmost comfort and relaxation.

Sevgi Eren participated in the resort’s flagship Adopt A Coral program, contributing to the preservation of the Maldives’ vibrant marine life. She dined around the resort’s seven outlets, experiencing a variety of culinary delights at Sea Salt, Anchorage Bar, and more. Her adventure continued with a dolphin cruise and a snorkeling trip, where she encountered the rich marine biodiversity of the Maldives. Additionally, she also indulged in a rejuvenating experience at the award-winning Shine Spa for Sheraton.

Sevgi Eren’s visit highlighted Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa as a premier destination for discerning travellers seeking an extraordinary experience that combines sustainability, culture, and natural beauty. The resort’s commitment to excellence ensures that every guest enjoys a memorable and enriching stay.

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Mercure Kooddoo Resort: Where luxury meets culinary innovation



Mercure Kooddoo Resort presents a unique gastronomic experience that combines the rich flavours of gourmet burgers with the sophisticated notes of fine wines.

Every Sunday, starting July 7th 2024, “Gourmet Burger and Wine Pairing event” offers guests an interactive and delightful culinary journey.

Dive into the world of gourmet burgers at three specially crafted stations. Guests will have the chance to taste a succulent beef slider, a flavourful chicken slider, or chef’s special vegetarian option. Guests will customise their burger with a variety of fresh toppings and house-made sauces to create their perfect bite. Each burger station will be thoughtfully paired with a wine that complements its unique flavours. The trained team members will guide guests through each pairing, sharing insights into why each wine enhances the taste of the burger.

No culinary experience is complete without a sweet treat. The dessert station features mini desserts paired with dessert wine, providing a perfect end to this gourmet adventure.

Guests will also have the chance to taste an exclusive cheese sauce, a secret recipe that perfectly complements the gourmet burgers.

Available every Sunday for an all-inclusive price of $25++ per person for all-inclusive and half-board guests, and $55++ for bed and breakfast guests.

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Maldives celebrates arrival of 2024’s 1 millionth tourist



Maldives on Thursday welcomed the one millionth tourist to visit this year.

The one millionth tourist is a Thai named Sutapa Amonwivat, who arrived from Singapore with her husband and two children. This is her second visit to Maldives.

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) and the Ministry of Tourism gave a warm welcome to Sutapa at the Velana International Airport (VIA) Thursday afternoon. She was welcomed at the VIA by tourism minister Ibrahim Faisal, MMPRC Managing Director Ibrahim Shiury and senior officials of various relevant agencies.

After welcoming her with traditional offerings, she was presented with various gifts by the ministry, MMPRC, customs, immigration, Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) and Trans Maldivian Airways (TMA).

Maldives reached one million tourists in June, three weeks earlier than last year. The number of tourists reached one million on July 16, 2023.

Maldives expects to reach 2 million tourists this year.

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