Kuda Villingili Resort, Maldives, known for its family friendly accommodations and unforgettable experiences, has announced its upcoming Halloween 2024 event, “The Addams Family Kooky Tales.” Embark...
Nestled in the serene waters of the Maldives, Adaaran Select Meedhupparu is a tranquil island retreat that offers an unforgettable escape for families. The resort, renowned...
Heritance Aarah, nestled in the pristine Raa Atoll of the Maldives, has been honoured with a prestigious accolade by the Forbes Magazine as the Best Beachfront...
Calling all families! Get ready for an extraordinary summer experience at Kandima Maldives‘ Summer Kamp 2024, happening from August 4th to 10th. This vibrant island resort...
Siyam World Maldives, the ultimate playground for travelers of all ages, has unveiled two brand-new experiences designed especially for kids: the Kidz Carnival and Night Camping...
This summer, COMO Hotels and Resorts’ two Maldives properties are offering a unique and exciting line-up of activities designed to inspire and educate all ages. From...
Jawakara Islands Maldives has announced its accreditation for safe, professional, and exhilarating childcare by Worldwide Kids (WK). This recognition is reserved for upscale resorts that uphold...