Underwater adventures, cultural activities, beach fashion show, and festive performances set against a stunning backdrop of the Indian Ocean await guests of Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and...
Soneva has announced a spectacular festive calendar across its award-winning destinations in the Maldives for December 2021. For guests at Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani in...
Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year with a selection of truly imaginative, fun-filled and meaningful ways to create lasting memories and magical holiday moments...
As travel continues to resume and with the island destination being on everyone’s ‘Must Visit’ list, be it first-timers or destination loyalists, these Marriott Bonvoy portfolio...
Amilla Maldives Resort and Residences is renowned for its spectacular events and it’s newly-released Festive Season schedule suggests it will live up to its reputation this...
Cocoon Maldives has wrapped up a joyous festive and new year celebration with in-house guests and staff in this wonderful time of the year! The Magic...
As the festive month of December begins with Christmas and new year celebrations on the horizon, the thought of where and how to spend your festive...
Game-changing lifestyle destination Kandima Maldives has an unrivalled programme of festive fun in store for its guests, making 2020 memorable for all the right reasons. We’re...
With secluded havens, wild close-up encounters where few have gone before and glamorous celebrations, One&Only Resorts has introduced a collection of memorable experiences to share with...
Plan ahead your Christmas and New Year holidays at Cocoon Maldives with their festive season programme designed to create everlasting memories with your loved ones in...