Angsana Velavaru, the epitome of romance in the Maldives, invites couples to embark on an unparalleled romantic escape with the Ultimate Romance package. Surrounded by turquoise...
After a four-year hiatus this most exciting of dining experiences makes a comeback to JA Manafaru’s island paradise. The culinary team has employed a brand new,...
Nestled within the Fari Islands archipelago, Patina Maldives is set to captivate discerning guests with a festive Lunar New Year celebration from February 9 to 16,...
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi and Sun Siyam Iru Veli Maldives are set to host striking a celebration to honour the Year of the Dragon for this...
Stone Hotels, an up-and-coming local hospitality brand, has opened its first premium beach property in Maldives, located on the island of Dhiffushi in North Male Atoll....
Fushifaru Maldives was honoured to welcome the renowned Taiwanese actress and singer, Joe Chen, to its tropical haven this month. Best known for her role in...
Brace yourself for an unforgettable sonic journey as Sun Siyam Olhuveli Maldives transforms into an epic love getaway with “Paradise Pulse” – a spectacular music event...
This Lunar New Year, experience a holiday filled with joy and weightlessness. Crafted around good fortune, strength and health, JOALI BEING presents a magnificent calendar of...
With February already on the horizon, there’s a special day in the calendar that lovers especially, can look forward to, and that is Valentine’s Day. One...
Georgina Rodriguez, 29, showcased her stunning figure in a bikini during a holiday at JOALI Maldives, leaving fans impressed. The partner of 38-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, the...