Dieter Bohlen, beloved in Germany and renowned for his cheeky attitude and comedic personality, bas celebrated the New Year’s Eve in style at Hideaway Beach Resort...
At Vakkaru Maldives, oenophiles will find there’s no better place to toast the start of 2021 than in Vakkaru Reserve. Fresh from winning a major accolade...
Salil Panigrahi, founder and Managing Director of Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts, has been conferred the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award, the highest honour conferred on overseas Indians....
Kanuhura Maldives has announced that it is among the first hotels in the world to become Sharecare Health Security Verified with Forbes Travel Guide. The comprehensive...
In-keeping with their commitment towards sustainability, Reethi Faru Resort has been on an on-going mission to restore their house reef ever since the development of the...
Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI) has endorsed the first training institute dedicated to the training of butlers in Maldives. “MATI recognises the importance of an...
In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic dominated the global conversation — and rightfully so. Travellers from all over the world had to press pause on their travel...
Get ready to experience a holiday in the tropics beyond compare at Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi! The resort is reopening to travellers on March 1. Blessed with...
Joali Maldives, the country’s largest integrated ultra-luxury destination developed and first immersive art resort, has appointed Semiha Askin as Global Director of Sales and Marketing for...
Hurawalhi Maldives and sister resort Kudadoo Private Island are gearing up to host the Maldives Padel Open from January 26-31. Padel Tennis is the fastest growing...