Tennis enthusiasts of all levels are encouraged to participate in an engaging five-day tennis camp hosted by former British tennis star Naomi Cavaday, as part of...
JA Manafaru has announced that renowned DJ and radio presenter Tom Green will once again host an exciting after-party this year. Recognised for his high-energy performances...
This festive season, the idyllic island of JA Manafaru has announced a unique experience for young football enthusiasts, as former England goalkeeper Robert Paul Green hosts...
JA Manafaru has announced its receipt of the respected Worldwide Kids (WK) Accreditation for the second consecutive year, reaffirming its dedication to providing a family-friendly experience....
Set in the pristine northernmost atoll of the Maldives, JA Manafaru is set to unveil a captivating array of festive activities, running from December 24, 2024,...
This Halloween, JA Manafaru invites guests to celebrate the spooky season on its breathtaking private island, offering a perfect mix of fun and relaxation amid pristine...
Situated in the breathtaking northernmost region of the Maldives, JA Manafaru is a serene island paradise where adventure meets relaxation, transforming every moment into an unforgettable...
JA Manafaru is thrilled to announce the launch of its refreshed menus at White Orchid Restaurant, beginning September 10th. This revamped dining experience is set to...
JA Manafaru, the premier destination in the Maldives, has been honoured with the prestigious title of “Best All-Inclusive Resort” at the recent Travel Trade Maldives (TTM)...
The stunning all-natural resort paradise, JA Manafaru, invites guests to immerse themselves in the rich culture of the Maldives during their Maldivian Cultural Week. Located in...