The Maldives is renowned as one of the world’s premier luxury destinations, especially favoured by those seeking a tropical escape. The island nation has experienced a...
Atmosphere Kanifushi has announced the fourth edition of the ‘Just Veg Festival,’ set to take place from 21st to 26th October 2024. This year’s festival promises...
International hospitality company Atmosphere Core hosted the “MalDIVAS on Tour” from 10th to 17th July 2024. This unique voyage featured nine top women operators and product...
Step into a world of unparalleled opportunity and professional growth with ELE|NA Wellness Academy’s distinguished wellness education programmes, set amidst the breathtaking landscapes of OBLU XPERIENCE...
Set to be one of 2024’s most popular new destinations for castaway escapes, today marks the official launch of ‘RAAYA by Atmosphere’ – the ninth Atmosphere...
As part of the company’s ongoing strategic plan to assess and improve all aspects of all operations in line with more sustainable practices, the Corporate F&B...
With Asian cuisine in such popular demand for those with a palette for the freshest of Indian Ocean seafood, Atmosphere Core announces a truly unique collaboration...
Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts, an international hospitality brand within Atmosphere Core, is presenting a series of enriching winemaker experiences with Glenelly Estate at its two private...
OZEN LIFE MAADHOO, an ultra-luxe private island retreat renowned for its romantic ambiance, has secured the title of ‘Best Romantic Resort in the Maldives’ at the...
International hospitality company, Atmosphere Core announces sustainability achievements across four pillars of Community, Operations, Resources and Environment. This environment-conscious approach is evident through the company’s many...