Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas has announced a groundbreaking celebration for Global Champagne Day, featuring an exclusive Krug Champagne Dinner at its renowned SEA Underwater Restaurant. Scheduled...
As the holiday season approaches, NOOE Maldives Kunaavashi unveils an extraordinary lineup of events and experiences designed to make every guest’s stay truly unforgettable. Whether seeking...
Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa invites travellers from around the world to experience the magic of the holiday season with their exclusive “Festive in Paradise...
The festive season at Sun Siyam Iru Veli and Sun Siyam Vilu Reef promises unforgettable experiences for guests of all ages. Both resorts have curated distinct...
Celebrate the most magical time of the year under the starry skies of the Maldives with an array of thoughtfully curated festive events. At LUX* South...
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi is set to host an extraordinary festive season, embracing the magic of the holidays with the vibrant energy of Moulin Rouge. From...
As 2024 draws to a close, the JW Marriott Maldives Resort & Spa invites families to join its ‘Symphony of the Sea’ celebration, a magical event...
This Halloween, The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives is offering an unforgettable celebration packed with thrilling activities, themed events, and delightful culinary experiences. From spooky buffets to glow-in-the-dark...
This festive season, SO/ Maldives invites guests to the front row to experience ‘Festive Glam,’ an elegant celebration of fashion, style, and avant-garde flair set amidst...
Beer enthusiasts and experience seekers are being invited to a unique celebration at Oaga Art Resort – Oktoberfest in Paradise. From October 3rd to 5th, guests...