Kandolhu Maldives is thrilled to announce an extraordinary collaboration with the renowned Master Celebrity Chef Joe Barza. Celebrated for his exceptional expertise in Lebanese Cuisine, Chef...
Kandolhu Maldives, the epitome of intimate luxury, also has a lesser known adventurous side to it. Located in the centre of Ari Atoll, it is one...
Kandolhu Maldives, is thrilled to announce the introduction of its latest culinary experience – the Floating Breakfast. Guests can now savour a delectable breakfast served in...
Kandolhu Maldives enthrals holidaymakers with the release of a new resort video that presents all the makings of a memorable holiday in the intimate resort. Tucked...
Everyone can agree that drinks by the beach top the list of guilty pleasures. When it comes to fulfilling tropical fantasies, Kandolhu is the perfect place...
Kandolhu Maldives continues to raise the bar as an esteemed dining destination in the North Ari Atoll by welcoming Executive Chef Andrew Smith into its fold....
Kandolhu Maldives is proud to announce the appointment of a new management couple at the forefront of the award-winning island resort. Guillaume Aublet helms the role...
Kandolhu Maldives lives up to its name as a crown gem of the Maldives as the North Ari atoll property emerges a number one winner in...
Set in swathes of blue, Kandolhu is an escapist’s haven with 30 villas dotting the lush patch of land and overwater, distinctly curated dining options, and...
The beautiful island of Kandolhu Maldives has reopened. The team at Kandolhu has worked tirelessly throughout the period of closure to make sure their beloved guests...