Fushifaru, a boutique, luxury Resort nestled in the heart of Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives, celebrated its six-year anniversary with a week-long series of extraordinary events, marking a...
Fushifaru Maldives, a five-star boutique Resort in Lhaviyani Atoll, celebrates winning multiple awards including ‘Hotel of the Year’ at the LUXE Global Awards. These awards recognise...
Bollywood sensation Shanaya Kapoor has been making waves on social media with envy-inducing photos and videos from her luxurious vacation at the stunning Fushifaru Maldives resort....
Fushifaru, a boutique Resort nestled in the heart of Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives, is gearing up to celebrate its sixth anniversary on October 24 in grand style....
Fushifaru Maldives, a five-star boutique resort in Lhaviyani Atoll, celebrates winning the ‘Best Boutique Resort’ Award by Travel Trade Maldives (TTM). This award recognises Fushifaru’s efforts...
Fushifaru Maldives, a five-star, boutique Resort located in the picturesque Lhaviyani Atoll, has been honoured with the prestigious ‘International Sustainable Award’ at the Luxury Lifestyle Awards...
Fushifaru Maldives, a five-star, boutique Resort located in Lhaviyani Atoll, launched a ‘Coral Propagation’ project in 2020, in the hopes of regenerating their coral reef and...
Fushifaru Maldives, a five-star, boutique Resort located in Lhaviyani Atoll, has announced its upcoming Easter Programme with exciting activities for the little ones, as well as...
Fushifaru Maldives, a luxurious, boutique Resort located in Lhaviyani Atoll, has won the prestigious ‘Best Hotel Sustainability Progress’ award at the TUI Global Hotel Awards 2023....
Fushifaru Maldives, a boutique resort in Lhaviyani Atoll, celebrates winning the 2023 Booking.com Traveller Review Award; this is the fourth win of this prestigious, global award....