Set in Vaavu Atoll, Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives extends an invitation to couples seeking an extraordinary escape to celebrate love this Valentine’s Day. As one of the...
The festive spirit came alive at Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives, where all four resorts—Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives, Cinnamon Hakuraa Huraa Maldives, Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives, and Ellaidhoo...
A holiday in the Maldives is infamous for its lush flamboyance. Whether you’re a seasoned adrenaline junkie or a first-time thrill-seeker, the Maldivian waters beckon with...
Summer is the perfect time to embark on new experiences and adventures such as snorkeling with a bale of turtles, catching waves or diving deep into...
Recognising the importance of sustainable tourism in preserving the beauty of destinations for future generations, Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts Maldives has made it their mission to...
Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts has introduced unforgettable benefits via the brand website allowing guests to design a tailored holiday according to their specific preferences. The chain...
Strengthening its credentials as one of the premier leisure operators in the Maldives, John Keells Maldivian Resorts (JKMR) was bestowed with the ‘Corporate Maldives GOLD 100...
Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts is gearing up to reopen all of its resorts in Maldives on July 15, with enhanced health and safety protocols. Sri Lankan...
Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts has implemented a series of group-wide safety protocols, taking a holistic approach to sanitation across all hotel spaces. Enhanced safety measures include...
Mandara Spa has opened a new spa facility at Cinnamon Velifushi Maldives, marking the brand’s 14th spa in the island nation. The stunning Mandara Spa at...