The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort has partnered with five world-renowned practitioners to create an exclusive five-month series featuring visiting practitioners. The Visiting Practitioners Series that...
Award-winning Devarana Spa at Dusit Thani Maldives has launched a new wellness programme, giving guests the opportunity to learn the secrets behind the spa’s renowned Thai...
Niyama Private Islands, with uncrowded waves and high quality breaks, has introduced a series of surf options and tailored services that invite wave riders to revel...
Joali Maldives has announced new wellness initiatives for guests, including its Raw Fitness programme and partnership with Lux Tennis. In partnership with the local school on...
Luxury Maldives trendsetter Amilla Fushi has introduced cutting-edge SENSORA therapy at its world-renowned Javvu Spa; a multi-sensory immersive experience designed to bring profound peace and balance...
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives has hosted an exclusive residency featuring travel host and yoga practitioner Denise Keller. The highlight of Denise’s visit to the resort from...
Coco Collection has launched its summer wellness programme at Coco Bodu Hithi. The programme will kick off with yogi Cat Meffan, who will be teaching a...
LUX* South Ari Atoll in Maldives has partnered with New York’s best-selling author Amber Rae to host workshops on emotional wellness and personal growth. As part...
Velaa Private Island has launched a comprehensive and personalised wellness programme that includes medical consultations with state-of-the-art body analysis along with targeted treatments and skilled advice....
Hurawalhi Maldives has announced plans to host ‘At One with the Ocean’ retreats. Tapping into its magnificent natural surrounds and its tranquil and calming character, Hurawalhi is...