The world of exciting adventures and a “glowing” start of 2023 awaits everyone at LUX* South Ari Atoll this Festive Season. The renowned property of The...
Velaa Private Island Maldives, nestled within the constellation of islands that form the Noonu Atoll in Maldives, is set to become a magical place in the...
The year-end festive season is one of the most special times of the year – a time of joy and generosity when we look forward to...
Milaidhoo Maldives, a tiny tropical island in the Maldives, an emerald drop of paradise wrapped in soft white sands, surrounded by a vibrant coral reef, lapped...
Unforgettable end-of-year getaways are on the agenda at the five-star Dusit Thani Maldives Resort for the 2022-23 season. The season starts with illuminations on Wednesday, 21...
Escape winter this year at the new, Nova Maldives and get into the Christmas spirit with an exciting programme of magical events taking place at the...
This Christmas the Maldives’ game-changing affordable lifestyle resort, Kandima Maldives, is making a splash with an anything-but-ordinary two-week-long programme of activities starting 22nd December under the...
Experience a festive holiday season surrounded by snow-white sands and countless shades of shimmering blue at Vakkaru Maldives. This year the world is your oyster as the...
The most wonderful time of the year is knocking on our doors again, and guests can look forward to a plentiful festive season at InterContinental Maldives...
As the year draws to a close, Marriott Bonvoy’s portfolio of resorts in the Maldives have curated special packages and themes inspiring guests from around the...