Kandolhu Maldives is thrilled to announce an extraordinary collaboration with the renowned Master Celebrity Chef Joe Barza. Celebrated for his exceptional expertise in Lebanese Cuisine, Chef...
Nova Maldives, the bright new star resort in the Maldives, introduces its exquisite seaweed menu, a true celebration of the ocean’s wonders. Fusing innovation and a...
JOALI Maldives is partnering with the finest culinary experts from around the world to create unparalleled gastronomical experiences. Over the course of the coming months, the...
Known for its extensive culinary offerings set in a picturesque island surrounded by azure waters, Anantara Veli Maldives Resort ups its food game with a lineup...
Start your day in the most stylish and opulent way imaginable with Kuramathi Maldives’ exclusive Champagne Breakfast at the breathtaking Sky Bar. Perched 7 metres above...
The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort has announced the addition of two limited-time specials in culinary and the art of drinking to join St. Regis’ “The...
Kuda Villingili, located in the North Male Atoll has been recognised as having one of the world’s best designed wine lists in the annual awards from...
Vakkaru Maldives has announced that its wine cellar, Vakkaru Reserve, has once again been recognised by the esteemed Wine Spectator magazine with the Best of Award...
Luxury lifestyle resort COMO Cocoa Island will be hosting a dinner under the stars with citizen astronaut Sara Sabry, the first Arab woman in space. This...
Ahmed Shaheen, the esteemed Food and Beverage Manager at JOALI BEING, has transformed his humble beginnings as a room attendant at Paradise Island Resort into a...