Angsana Velavaru, nestled in the pristine waters of the Maldives, offers an idyllic escape for families and groups seeking a blend of adventure and relaxation. With...
This month marks the successful completion of Project 100 Coconut Trees at Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa, an initiative that has transformed key areas...
Grand Park Kodhipparu, Maldives, has achieved Green Globe Gold certification for its commitment to environmental, social, and sustainability engagement. This prestigious certification marks five consecutive years...
The Government of Maldives has introduced a pivotal regulation, 2024/R-96, focused on improving whale shark interactions, underscoring the country’s commitment to marine conservation. This marks the...
NH Collection Maldives Havodda Resort has successfully maintained the prestigious Gold Certification for Green Growth, reaffirming its ongoing commitment to sustainability and environmental excellence. This marks...
The eco-friendly, luxury resort Nova Maldives, renowned for its dedication to sustainability, has unveiled an upgraded coral restoration initiative focused on its house reef. This new...
Fuvahmulah Island in the Maldives has been recognised as the location of the largest documented aggregation of tiger sharks globally, according to a recent study published...
A recent study by researchers from the University of Auckland has revealed that Kuredu Island Resort and Spa is the largest known breeding colony for White-Tailed...
In a momentous achievement for environmental conservation, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) declared Addu Atoll and Fuvahmulah as biosphere reserves in 2021....
Dreaming of an idyllic vacation that leaves behind not only beautiful memories, but also positive impacts? Then, look no further than the breathtaking OBLU SELECT Sangeli...