Amilla Maldives, renowned for spectacular events, is taking inspiration from Secret Garden book and film for Easter entertainment programme Hot on the heels of its outstanding...
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi Maldives, Yuri Gonchar School of Stage Arts and tour operator Maldiviana, has announced the very first Harmony Children’s Camp, a yearly destination...
Young explorers, artists, and dreamers are invited! This summer, JOALI invites families to stay in the first and only art-immersive resort in the Maldives, offering young...
Hard Rock Hotel Maldives has introduced its new Summer Family Camp-Cation to combine family vacation with an amazing kids camp this summer. The summer camp will...
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa has announced participation in the launch of Sheraton’s first family progamme, Side by Side Family. The multigenerational programme offers...
Snorkelling, treasure hunts, gardening and surfing are just some of the activities that see families return to LUX* Resorts & Hotels in the Maldives every year....
Soneva, the award-winning luxury resort operator, recently launched Soneva Academy, offering a series of educational courses for older children and teenagers aged 12+ at Soneva Fushi...
A world of adventure awaits you at Kuramathi Maldives — an island playground of sorts made for every kind of holidaymaker, from couples and friends to...
Soneva Fushi has appointed Noha Mohamed as its new manager at The Den, the resort’s award-winning children’s club. Noha is the first Maldivian woman to hold...
CROSSROADS Maldives has announced a special one-of-a-kind line-up of activities to celebrate Easter this year at Hard Rock Hotel Maldives, SAii Lagoon Maldives – Curio Collection...