Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is preparing to host a captivating Halloween celebration, inviting guests to enjoy an evening filled with magical costumes, devilish delights, and enchanting...
The Westin Maldives Miriandhoo Resort recently hosted Indian actress and model Amyra Dastur, who took a break from her busy schedule to enjoy a wellness retreat...
Get ready to light up Diwali like never before at Kandima Maldives, the ultimate tropical paradise. This year, guests are invited to join in an #AnythingButOrdinary...
SO/ Maldives is preparing to kick off the Halloween season with a stylish and innovative celebration. Drawing inspiration from the resort’s signature blend of fashion, creativity,...
Sirru Fen Fushi – Private Lagoon Resort has announced the launch of its highly anticipated 2024 festive season programme, ‘The Enchanting Elements of Festive.’ From December...
Kuramathi Maldives has announced that magician George Busch will be joining them for a unique Halloween celebration. From the 27th to the 31st of October, George...
As the holiday season approaches, Coco Collection warmly invites guests to experience a festive celebration filled with joy, warmth, and togetherness in the heart of the...