Kandima Maldives is amplifying excitement with the debut of “Fast Track,” the Maldives’ first-ever professional-grade electric go-kart track. Situated against the stunning backdrop of the Indian...
Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas recently celebrated Global Champagne Day with a groundbreaking event: Krug Champagne’s first-ever underwater tasting. The occasion featured Krug’s President, Manuel Reman, who...
CROSSROADS Maldives invites guests to celebrate Diwali in style, where the timeless traditions of India’s Festival of Lights meet the lush, tropical charm of the Maldives....
This Diwali, The St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort invites guests to experience the vibrant culture and traditions of the Festival of Lights through a range of...
This holiday season, Hard Rock Hotel Maldives invites visitors to embrace the festive spirit with an unforgettable blend of music, lights, and tropical flair. From December...
Coco Collection, a renowned luxury hospitality brand in the Maldives known for its tailored experiences, has achieved significant success at the 2024 World Luxury Hotel Awards,...
Conrad Maldives Rangali Island is preparing to host a captivating Halloween celebration, inviting guests to enjoy an evening filled with magical costumes, devilish delights, and enchanting...
Hard Rock International and global brand ambassador Lionel Messi have introduced the world’s newest superhero, Captain Messi. This superhero version of the iconic sports and cultural...
As the enchanting Festival of Lights nears, the Marriott Bonvoy portfolio of resorts in the Maldives invites families, couples, and friends to celebrate Diwali and the...
Lily Beach Resort & Spa invites guests to experience an unforgettable Festive Season in tropical luxury from December 23rd, 2024, to January 5th, 2025. This year’s...