Milaidhoo is set to enchant guests this Valentine’s Day with a culinary and mixological spectacle featuring the globally acclaimed Giancarlo Mancino. Hailing from the picturesque village...
Milaidhoo Maldives, the pristine boutique private island paradise, has announced the launch of its 7-day Multi-Sensory Art Retreat for guests to reset the mind, body, and...
With Eid Al Adha approaching, Milaidhoo extends a warm invitation to a profound Eid vacation. This Eid, the private island resort in the heart of the...
For guests planning an Easter holiday in the Maldives, the small luxury island Milaidhoo Maldives offers the opportunity to tell a new story with a holiday...
Ahmed Naseem, also known as Beyya, is the Executive Assistant Manager at Milaidhoo Maldives. With over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry, Naseem has...
This February, Milaidhoo celebrates the month of love by introducing special offerings; dedicated to couples seeking to make their honeymoons, babymoons, or weddings one to remember...
Milaidhoo Maldives, a tiny tropical island in the Maldives, an emerald drop of paradise wrapped in soft white sands, surrounded by a vibrant coral reef, lapped...
Milaidhoo Maldives has announced the appointment of David Castaño as the new General Manager and Zayan Fayaz as PR & Communications Manager. David Castaño, who is...
Milaidhoo has introduced a new accommodation category, the overwater Two-Bedroom Ocean Residence, designed to accommodate up to six guests. The Two-Bedroom Ocean Residence comprises two spacious...
Milaidhoo’s renowned Maldivian gourmet restaurant, Ba’theli by the Reef, now offers a new culinary voyage for its guests, featuring flavours and ingredients from the ancient Spice...