In the enchanting archipelago of the Maldives, where turquoise waters meet pristine white sands, lies a world of luxury and hospitality. Among those who make this...
Kuramathi Bageecha, the ultimate family-friendly paradise in the Maldives, has unveiled its brand-new and exciting kids club programme, promising endless fun and excitement for young adventurers...
The JW Garden to Table experience celebrates the island’s homegrown bounty with a guided tour, cooking class, and a special menu crafted by the chef using...
Fairmont Maldives, Sirru Fen Fushi, a private island resort in the serene Shaviyani Atoll, stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of luxury and sustainability....
Monsoons are a great time to go for a spa retreat, to rejuvenate and relax your mind and body. Offering reimagined wellness experiences set amid crystalline...
The return of IREKS Master Baker to the Maldives brings exciting news for the local baking community. Kuala Lumpur-based Master Baker – Chef Steven Selvamuthu, will...
In a remarkable stride towards redefining luxury libations, Sun Siyam Iru Fushi’s bartender team embarks on an exhilarating week-long journey of intensive bartending training, from August...
Singapore Airlines (SIA) is set to enhance its flight services across its network during the upcoming Northern Summer 2024 operating season (from March 31, 2024, to...
The inauguration of the Banyan Tree Marine Lab in 2004 marked a significant milestone as the first resort-based establishment in the Maldives dedicated to safeguard the...
Mirihi Island Resort in the Maldives has launched a limited-time four-night package designed for families to enjoy the resort’s collection of multi-bedroom beachside and over-the-water suites...