Angsana Velavaru, the epitome of romance in the Maldives, invites couples to embark on an unparalleled romantic escape with the Ultimate Romance package. Surrounded by turquoise...
In the heart of Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium and an EarthCheck Gold Certified resort in South Nilandhe Atoll, a remarkable tale of sustainability, creativity, and...
Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort in South Nilandhe Atoll, emerges as an enchanting destination prepared to capture the hearts of global travellers in 2024. The...
Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort in South Nilandhe Atoll, Maldives has announced the appointment of Neil Firman as the Executive Assistant Manager for Food and...
Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort in the virtually untouched South Nilandhe Atoll, Maldives has announced the enhanced “Stay More, Pay Less” All-Inclusive DINE Package that...
Gearing up for the festive season, Angsana Velavaru Maldives has announced its fortified “101 Things To Do”, a wide array of resort activities that extend far...
As the most joyous time of the year is fast approaching, Angsana Velavaru, an all-inclusive premium resort in South Nilandhe Atoll, Maldives will be hosting “Moments...
Vietnam’s acclaimed singer and top travel blogger, Quang Vinh, with an impressive following in both the music and travel realms, has embarked on an extraordinary “SenseTheMoment”...
Travelling has the power to transform perspectives. In unfamiliar surroundings, the ordinary becomes captivating, unlikely connections are forged, and discomfort awakens the senses to deeper insights....
The Maldives, renowned for its turquoise waters, unspoiled beaches, and mesmerising coral reefs, has rightfully earned its reputation as a tropical paradise. It comes as no...