BBM, one of the leading resort suppliers in the Maldives, has hosted a series of training sessions and product demonstrations in collaboration with the globally renowned...
Fushifaru Maldives, a 5-star boutique resort in Lhaviyani Atoll, renowned for its pristine beaches and luxurious villas, has announced that it now accepts WeChat Pay and...
Maldives on Thursday welcomed the one millionth tourist to visit this year. The one millionth tourist is a Thai named Sutapa Amonwivat, who arrived from Singapore...
Chongqing Airlines on Monday began its inaugural flights to Maldives. The Chongqing-Male route, scheduled three times a week, is expected to strengthen the bonds between China...
CROSSROADS Maldives has introduced WeChat Pay, widely known as Weixin Pay in China, across its world-class resorts, SAii Lagoon Maldives, Curio Collection by Hilton, and Hard...
Pulse Hotels & Resorts, one of the leading innovators in Maldives tourism, has introduced The Coral Residences, Kandima. Nestled on the northern end of the lush...
On May 27, Zihuny Rasheed, Deputy Managing Director of Maldives Marketing and PR Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives), and Etienne Ng, Weixin Pay’s Country Manager, Singapore and Regional...
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) hosted a familiarisation trip with Amilla Maldives for high-end influencer, Niki Mehra, from India to experience the...
The Prestige Collection has reached 130 hotels in its portfolio, continuing to uphold quality and excellence as core pillars. It represents the most exclusive selection within...
Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO) marked a significant step towards plastic waste management with the adoption of dedicated vehicles handed over to boost this transformation of urban...