In a collaborative effort, R. Rasgetheemu Island Council has embarked on the development of a bamboo park with the invaluable assistance of Atmosphere Foundation. The island...
The Maldives’ first Hologram Room, recently opened at Four Seasons Resort Landaa Giraavaru, offers a magical “underwater” manta experience for the whole family, where no one gets...
A video taken by Swiss holiday-makers at a dive site near Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives reveals a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence when they witnessed a Giant Oceanic...
JEN Maldives Malé by Shangri-La has introduced a special coffee to their collection – Oro’s 100% Arabica Rose Coffee. This latest addition to the menu of...
As the summer season heats up, Etihad Airways is gearing up for a significant expansion in the upcoming winter season. In a strategic move, the airline...
Kuramathi Bageecha, the ultimate family-friendly paradise in the Maldives, has unveiled its brand-new and exciting kids club programme, promising endless fun and excitement for young adventurers...
Fairmont Maldives, Sirru Fen Fushi, a private island resort in the serene Shaviyani Atoll, stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of luxury and sustainability....
Monsoons are a great time to go for a spa retreat, to rejuvenate and relax your mind and body. Offering reimagined wellness experiences set amid crystalline...
The return of IREKS Master Baker to the Maldives brings exciting news for the local baking community. Kuala Lumpur-based Master Baker – Chef Steven Selvamuthu, will...
Prepare for an electrifying experience that will leave you buzzing with excitement! Charged, the revolutionary addition to Coca-Cola Maldives’ beverage portfolio, has announced a series of...