Underwater adventures, festive performances and Christmas activities set against a stunning backdrop of the Indian Ocean await guests of Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru this...
Angsana Velavaru has announced plans to host UK’s emerging R&B and soul artist Josh Daniel this festive season. In collaboration with Turkish Airlines, this festive season...
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru have kicked off a week-long celebration of Moroccan food and entertainment with a world-renowned chef and belly dancer. The two...
Angsana Velavaru Maldives, part of Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts’ collection of private island resorts, has completed a multi-million dollar renovation and expansion by enhancing the...
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru has commemorated the brand’s 25th anniversary by celebrating its people. The 25th of September marked the 25th anniversary of Banyan...
Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru has initiated a monthly event called Connect to Earth from Dusk till Dawn. Inspired by the Earth Hour Movement, a...
Marking 25 years as a responsible hospitality organisation, Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru has organised a cleanup in the Maldives’ capital city Male, supporting both...
Angsana Ihuru has celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Rannamaari Wreck with a 24-hour live dive event. The event started at 10am on August 31 and...
Angsana Ihuru has announced a giveaway of a three nights’ stay for two persons, as part of the celebration of the Rannamaari Wreck’s 20th Anniversary. The...
One year ago, on Earth Day 2018, Banyan Tree embarked on a journey to reduce single use plastic to ultimately become plastic free. The hospitality and...