Kandolhu Maldives has appointed David Napier as its Executive Chef. Hailing from the renowned wine country of Hawke’s Bay in New Zealand, it comes as no surprise that...
Soneva has announced a special offer for the upcoming Eid al-Adha holidays, inviting GCC residents to celebrate the joyous occasion in Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani...
Maldives has been named amongst the best islands in the world. On Travel+Leisure magazine’s ‘Best 15 Islands in the World’ list, the Maldives is ranked at...
Award-winning Maldivian resorts, Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa and Lily Beach Resort & Spa have introduced a holistic wellness experience with natural Moringa-based products and new...
Kandima Maldives has extended its summer offer. For those looking for a late getaway during the holidays, Kandima has extended its Summerkation package for travel until October...
The World Luxury Spa and Restaurant Awards has announced the winners of 2019, with LUX* South Ari Atoll being recognised as the winner of ‘Best Luxury...
Celebrity couple Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are in Maldives for their honeymoon. The couple, who wed for the second time in a grand wedding ceremony...
Soneva has released its Festival of Colour’s summer programme that covers July and August. Guests staying at Soneva Jani and Soneva Fushi in the Maldives are...
Singapore Airlines has announced plans to deploy its new 787-10 Dreamliner on its Maldives service. Singapore Airlines, consistently ranked as the world’s best airline, first flew...
Dhigali Maldives has introduced a new modern Asian fusion dinner menu at its Jade restaurant. The new menu features an amazing selections of dishes that has...