Amidst the idyllic setting at OUTRIGGER Maladives Maafushivaru Resort, culinary virtuoso Eyck Zimmer is set to be a celebrity guest chef on 22 and 29 January...
Prepare to indulge in a blissful escape as OUTRIGGER Maldives Maafushivaru Resort has announced its extraordinary Christmas and New Year programme, elegantly curated for discerning travellers...
As World Manta Day is celebrated on 17 September, Lynn Jula Kessler, the marine biologist at Outrigger Maldives Maafushivaru Resort offers the following advice on viewing...
Outrigger Maldives Maafushivaru Resort is playing a key role in gathering and sharing information on whale sharks, manta rays and sea turtles with conservation groups in...
Outrigger Hospitality Group announced today that it has acquired the newly renovated five-star Maafushivaru Resort in the Maldives – adding another premier beach property to its...