In 2018, after a devastating time for corals in Maldives, the Ocean-Pro Dive Team at Mirihi Island Resort decided to take matters into their hand and...
Marine conservation is a priority at Hurawalhi Maldives and in June 2019, the resort’s marine biology team took on the challenge of setting up a coral...
Outrigger Hospitality Group, the premier beach brand in the world, has earned the prestigious 2020 Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Gold Award in the Climate Change...
The latest addition to Reethi Faru Resort’s reef restoration efforts is a ‘coral tree’ nursery. Corals reproduce both sexually and asexually. The asexual reproduction occurs through...
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa has begun the second phase of its Coral Regeneration Programme. Reefscapers has been appointed by the Maldivian government’s Environmental...
Ever wondered what’s going on underneath the sparkling Maldives ocean? From mammals to molluscs, the marine life that inhabits the Maldives water is diverse and is...
At Fushifaru Maldives, caring for the wellbeing of the beautiful oceans of the Maldives is just one of their green initiatives. To add to these initiatives,...
Joali Maldives has been recognised for its eco-friendly initiatives. In its 2020 Legend Awards, Departures magazine listed Joali Maldives’ reef restoration project amongst “The Best Eco-Initiatives...
At Four Seasons Resorts Maldives, marine conservation and plastic reduction has been a serious topic for nearly 20 years. All Four Seasons resorts in Maldives —...
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa has introduced a marine biology programme aimed at saving the resort’s surrounding reef with the involvement of guests visiting...