The magic of Christmas enveloped Madifushi Private Island as Santa Claus made a VIP entrance, creating an unforgettable evening for the guests. The festivities began with...
Sheraton Maldives Full Moon Resort & Spa kicked off the holiday season with joy and magic, hosting a spectacular Christmas celebration that brought guests and locals...
For the first time in its history, Maldives has reached the milestone of welcoming two million tourists in a single year. This achievement marks a significant...
Dhigali Maldives has officially commenced its festive season in grand style, highlighted by the lighting of its sustainable driftwood Christmas trees—a cherished tradition that combines creativity...
Sun Siyam Olhuveli inaugurated the highly anticipated AstroFest 2024-2025 with a spectacular Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 21, 2024. The event showcased a unique, spiral-designed...
The Maldives has long been synonymous with romance, and now it takes centre stage in Condé Nast Traveller’s curated list of the ‘Most Romantic Places in...
Patina Maldives, Fari Islands, has introduced the Maldives’ most sustainable Christmas tree for 2024, setting a new standard for environmentally conscious holiday celebrations. The tree, crafted...
The Visit Maldives Club (VMC) officially launched the Maldives’ largest sports fishing tournament, ‘Burunu Boma,’ on December 20, 2024, during a ceremony held at the Malé...
Reethi Beach Resort has announced the grand opening of the Spa Ceylon Boutique, a luxurious sanctuary of wellness now located on the resort’s picturesque island. The...
The Global Wellness Institute (GWI), a leading non-profit research organisation for the global wellness industry, announced a strategic collaboration with JOALI BEING, marking the Maldives as...