This festive season, the idyllic island of JA Manafaru has announced a unique experience for young football enthusiasts, as former England goalkeeper Robert Paul Green hosts...
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa recently hosted legendary tennis player Petra Kvitová, captivating guests with her remarkable presence and inspiring passion for tennis. During her stay,...
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives has announced the return of the Active Escapes retreats in 2025. The week-long Active Escapes Maldives Festival will be held from...
JOALI BEING, the luxury wellness retreat in the Maldives, hosted a tennis workshop on November 25, 2024, in partnership with the Alexander Zverev Foundation, dedicated to...
As part of its ‘Masters for Masters’ series, The Nautilus Maldives will host Denise Hoefer, Germany’s No. 1 padel player and one of the world’s top...
From 27 November to 8 December 2024, Anantara Kihavah Maldives Villas will welcome former world No.1 tennis champion Angelique Kerber for an exclusive tennis clinic. Known...
Canareef Resort Maldives achieved a historic milestone by hosting the 15th World Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships & Electoral Congress 2024, a prestigious event that enhanced...