The acres of lush vegetation in Kuramathi render an emerald mirage arising from the blue waters. Devoted to conserving and showcasing the greenery that adorns the...
As spooky season comes near, mischief and surprises reign in Kuramathi as Bageecha Kids Club invites families to partake in terror and treats. In the spirit...
Kuramathi Maldives has appointed key positions on the island as the resort welcomes Anjali Masih as Director of Human Resources and Sara Scroglieri as the Resident...
Consistency is key to keeping a robust lifestyle. While on holiday, it is integral to strike a balance between relaxing and keeping physically active on your...
Savour delicious food in equally unparalleled views in Kuramathi. Paradise stays are even more alluring as Kuramathi serves a unique island experience by debuting the floating...
The sunny climate all year-round and the warm waters of the Maldives are a big draw for adventure aficionados seeking to escape the ordinary. Kuramathi Maldives...
Kuramathi is pleased to reveal exciting additions to the vibrant roster of culinary venues on the island as Duniye expands its globe-trotting menu. Duniye which translates...
Kuramathi Maldives proudly upholds its commitment to responsible tourism as we are awarded the Travelife Gold status once again. Travelife is an internationally recognised certification system...
They say that food is the language of love, a universal way of showing affection by bonding over a sumptuous meal. In Kuramathi Maldives, date nights...
The Maldives is surrounded by a span of blue as far as the eyes can see, posing every kind of excitement for outdoor enthusiasts. When it...