Cocoon Maldives has hosted a special dining event with Chef Yoriko Tsuruda from Japan. As part of Cocoon’s Gourmet Weekend series of visiting chef programme, Chef Yoriko showcased her...
Soneva Fushi has opened Once Upon a Table, the most intimate dining experience available at the resort’s recently opened Out of the Blue dining destination. To celebrate the opening, Once...
Gili Lankanfushi has relaunched its signature island restaurant as Kashiveli, showcasing locally-sourced nutritious ingredients and vibrant Maldivian flavours. Overseen by Executive Chef Aldo Cadau, the restaurant celebrates the bounty and abundance of the island’s lush tropical...
Haruge, Malaafaiy and Farivalhu restaurants at Kuramathi Maldives has added new dishes to their menus. Fresh vegetarian options are now on offer at each of the...
Dusit Thani Maldives has received a record consistent score of 97 percent — the highest score ever achieved in the Maldives — in the prestigious Food...
Velassaru Maldives has introduced a new menu at its Turquoise restaurant. The new menu, which was launched last week, introduces flavours with Southeast and Far East Asian influences,...
Amilla Fushi is set to host the second pop-up of The Bread Street Kitchen by Gordon Ramsay during the upcoming festive season. In May 2017, Amilla kicked off the first of...
A new F&B complex with world’s top fast food franchises will be opened at the Maldives main Velana International Airport in October, state airport operator Maldives Airports Company Limited...
South African restaurant franchise Barcelos has opened an outlet in Maldives, combining its world famous flame grilled chicken with a unique local flavour. Barcelos Maldives, located near...
Maldives Food and Beverage Show kicked off Thursday with the participation of several big names in the industry. The second edition of the annual Maldives Food and...