Nestled on the picturesque, heart-shaped Fesdu Island in North Ari Atoll, W Maldives is just a 25-minute seaplane journey from Malé. The resort offers an idyllic...
The “World’s Biggest Giveaway,” the largest global campaign for 2025 organised by the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/Visit Maldives), has officially kicked off on...
Patina Maldives, Fari Islands, continues to redefine sustainable luxury with the hosting of an extraordinary Net Zero Dinner at Roots, its signature plant-based restaurant. This festive...
Ayada Maldives has announced the launch of its sleek new speedboat, the Gulf Craft Touring 48, offering guests an elevated arrival experience like no other. Combining...
Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) has announced the ‘Maldives Culture and Food Festival’, a two-day extravaganza showcasing the Maldivian cuisine, local arts...
Sun Siyam Resorts has announced that all spas across its five properties in the Maldives have received accreditation from the Comité International d’Esthétique et de Cosmétologie...
Velaa Private Island, the epitome of luxury and exclusivity in the Maldives, has announced that it will host an exclusive collection of jewellery by the world-renowned...
Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives is more than a tranquil island retreat. Tucked within its lush grounds lies a budding initiative that is transforming sustainability and dining which...
Amilla Maldives kicked off its festive season on December 20th, and let’s just say it was far out! With the 70’s-inspired theme, the island transformed into...
This festive season, the idyllic island of JA Manafaru has announced a unique experience for young football enthusiasts, as former England goalkeeper Robert Paul Green hosts...