Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives has announced its third annual ‘Month of Love,’ a celebration dedicated to romance, connection, and cherished memories. Scheduled from February 1...
In February, Milaidhoo Maldives invites couples to experience a world of unmatched romance, where every moment is designed to celebrate love in its purest form. Renowned...
Sun Siyam Resorts is elevating the all-inclusive experience in the Maldives with the introduction of its 24-hour, resort-wide all-inclusive benefits, available across all properties beginning November...
Angsana Velavaru has announced its recent recognition at two esteemed industry awards, which reinforce the resort’s commitment to delivering exceptional experiences while leading sustainable tourism efforts...
Niyama Private Islands Maldives offers an immersive experience with nature in every way this festive season. Guests can stroll along brilliant white sands, swim in the...
Beer enthusiasts and experience seekers are being invited to a unique celebration at Oaga Art Resort – Oktoberfest in Paradise. From October 3rd to 5th, guests...
As winter’s chill begins to set in, Villa Resorts invites travellers to embrace the warmth with their exclusive Winter Escape offer, featuring up to 20% savings....