Grand Park Kodhipparu, Maldives is geared for a series of memorable events this season circulating around “hope and encouragement”, starting off with three prestigious accolades at...
A fabulous and fearless woman of great strength in cinema and art recently stepped on the white pristine beaches of Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives with a...
For the second time this year, an endangered sea turtle species has discovered a safe eco-sanctuary at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives to lay her eggs. On...
FireDOOR, the speciality restaurant at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives, has been recognised as the best luxury dining experience in the Maldives. The restaurant received the recognition...
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives has welcomed the first guests in the post-Covid era. The tourists travelled on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha — the first...
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives is ready to welcome its loyal repeater guests and global travellers again from July 15. In the archipelago of naturally scattered coral...
Singapore-based Park Hotel Group’s first luxury resort, Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives, turned three on Monday. Grand Park Kodhipparu is a ‘one-island-one-resort’ destination in the Indian Ocean...
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives has hosted an extensive learning programme for its Lifestyle Host team. As part of the programme, which was conducted in association with...
When it comes to the Maldives tourism and hospitality industry, almost everything is in abundance. With the rapid expansion the industry has had in the recent...
Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives has been officially inaugurated. A grand opening ceremony at the resort Saturday evening saw the official opening of the first property in Maldives...