Amilla Fushi has announced plans to follow a time-travelling “party of the century” concept for the upcoming New Year’s Eve celebrations at the resort. The countdown...
For the upcoming 2019 festive season, the blissful island of Baros Maldives is set to transform into a magical setting of festive escapades designed and curated...
Dusit Thani Maldives has invited visitors to bid farewell to 2018 in style with a glamorous night of dining and dancing under the stars at the...
Coco Collection has announced the 2018/2019 festive line-up at its resorts, Coco Bodu Hithi and Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu. As part of the festivities, the resort...
Angsana Velavaru is set to host Burning Man DJ Stuart Hunter during the upcoming festive celebrations. Alongside Angsana Velavaru’s in-house DJ LAB, internationally acclaimed DJ Stuart Hunter...
Atmosphere Hotels & Resorts, an award-winning Indian Ocean hospitality brand, is set to bring festive cheers across its four Maldivian resorts for vacationers with its tropical...
Festive season is true to be the most wonderful time of the year with events that are perfect for any holiday celebration. Celebrate the festive season...
Pop phenomenon Rita Ora has confirmed an exclusive New Year’s Eve performance at scene-shaping Maldives luxury resort Amilla Fushi. As if spectacular entertainment from pyro performers The Fuel Girls and lead...
It’s that time of year again. Christmas is just around the corner and if your festive plans involve a trip to Hideaway Beach Resort and Spa...
Soneva is set to welcome two former Swedish tennis pros and one former Australian tennis pro to Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani during the festive season to offer guests one-on-one...