Maldives Promotion House – The final two contestants in “the world’s most luxurious surfing event” have been named as two-time World Champion Damien Hardman (Australia) and...
Maldives Promotion House – This August, eight Maldivian surfers will make waves alongside six ex-world champions in the world’s most luxurious surfing event. Hotly anticipated...
Maldives Promotion House – Four Seasons Maldives Surfing Championship Trophy, known as the world’s most luxurious surfing event, pitches six ex-world surfing champions in a USD...
Maldives Promotion House – There could be no greater disparity between the children center on the tiny island of Villingili and One&Only Reethi Rah. The children’s...
Maldives Promotion House – Phil Rajzman, the 2007 World Longboard Champion and two time Panamerican Champion (2007 and 2009) from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, is the...
Maldives Promotion House – The Sultans surf point, located north of Malé Atoll, Maldives, has been featured in CNN GO’s 50 best surf spots list. Sultans...
Maldives Promotion House – In a reunion poised to set the Maldivian waves alight, surf legends Tom Curren and Martin “Pottz” Potter are the two latest...
Maldives Promotion House – Guests at Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort & Spa, Maldives are in for a delight with the launch of the country’s first nine-hole recreational...
This guest blog is written by Rutger Thole who is a passionated scuba diver and instructor. After traveling the world and the seven seas he founded Book...
Maldives Promotion House – Fly fishing is now available at the barefoot luxury resort, Island Hideaway, in the Maldives exclusively with fishing holiday specialist, Fly Odyssey...