This festive season, the idyllic island of JA Manafaru has announced a unique experience for young football enthusiasts, as former England goalkeeper Robert Paul Green hosts...
Sun Siyam Iru Fushi has introduced an exciting new activity for ocean enthusiasts: Conservation Snorkelling. Led by the resort’s resident marine biologist, Mohamed Shah, this immersive...
Hideaway Beach Resort & Spa recently hosted legendary tennis player Petra Kvitová, captivating guests with her remarkable presence and inspiring passion for tennis. During her stay,...
Holiday Inn Resort Kandooma Maldives has announced the return of the Active Escapes retreats in 2025. The week-long Active Escapes Maldives Festival will be held from...
The Maldives is often described as a paradise on earth, but beneath its turquoise waters lies an even greater wonder—one that draws explorers, adventurers, and nature...
Fuvahmulah has been crowned the ‘Best Shark Diving Destination’ at the 2024 Diving Resort & Travel (DRT) Show held in Hong Kong. This prestigious recognition solidifies...
Six Senses Laamu has achieved dual recognition for its innovative marine conservation efforts. The resort was included in Condé Nast Traveller’s prestigious 2024 ‘Bright Ideas in...