Grand Park Kodhipparu, Maldives is geared for a series of memorable events this season circulating around “hope and encouragement”, starting off with three prestigious accolades at...
JA Manafaru Maldives can now add ‘Best Luxury Destination Spa in the Maldives’ to the island resort’s long list of accolades after landing one of the...
Maldives hot spot Amilla Fushi has claimed a trio of prestigious accolades at the annual World Luxury Spa and Restaurant Awards. The winners were announced at...
Benjarong Restaurant at Dusit Thani Maldives was named the best restaurant for Thai Cuisine in Indian Ocean. The continent level award was presented at the World...
The World Luxury Spa and Restaurant Awards has announced the winners of 2019, with LUX* South Ari Atoll being recognised as the winner of ‘Best Luxury...
Sulha Spa at Kudadoo Maldives Private Island has received the flattering Best Luxury Wellness Spa in the Maldives award by the prestigious 2019 World Luxury Spa...
Leading local hotel group Sun Siyam Resorts has won multiple accolades at the 2019 World Luxury Spa and Restaurant Awards. In a glitzy affair at The...
The Spa at Grand Park Kodhipparu Maldives has again won three awards at the World Luxury Spa and Restaurant Awards. In a glitzy affair at The State...
Thila restaurant at Kurumba Maldives has won two prestigious titles at the World Luxury Restaurant Awards. At the gala ceremony of World Luxury Restaurant Awards, which took place at...
Jumeirah Vittaveli has been awarded with four trophies at the World Luxury Restaurants Awards and World Luxury Spa Awards 2017. At the gala ceremony of World Luxury Restaurants...