Outrigger Konotta Maldives Resort on Thursday hosted a series of marine events titled, “Our Ocean, Our Future,” to mark World Oceans Day. The events were an extension of...
Kuramathi Maldives has celebrated World Environment Day, syncing its activities with this year’s theme of ‘Reconnecting with Nature’. In an announcement, the resort said its team members demonstrated their arts and...
Maldives has launched a special campaign to reduce plastic dumped into the ocean. The campaign, which was launched on Monday as part of the activities held to...
Hurawalhi Maldives has marked World Environment Day and has announced a series of activities to mark World Oceans Day. “Care for the environment lies at the heart...
Kuramathi Maldives has hosted a range of exciting activities to mark two important events; World Biodiversity Day and World Turtle Day. On World Biodiversity Day, which fell...
Six Senses Laamu has celebrated the World Turtle Day this year with the identification of 100th Hawksbill turtle on the atoll’s reefs. In July 2016, the resident...
Maldives has launched an online portal for marine conservation, in a bid to strengthen its efforts to promote sustainable tourism. At a ceremony held at the...
Hurawalhi Maldives has announced a host of activities including a special turtle tour to celebrate World Turtle Day. In an announcement, the recently opened resort said it will...
Olhuveli Beach and Spa Maldives resort has kicked off the manta ray season for the year. Olhuveli, located in South Male Atoll, is a top destination in...
Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Landaa Giraavaru is gearing up for this year’s manta ray season with the announcement of a special Manta Watch package. The...